Monday, July 27, 2009

After Class Twelve - last class!

Thanks for a great wind up to the semester -- it was wonderful to hear all the ideas. It's been an amazing class!
I wish you all the best in your future teaching and studies.

Enjoy your summer break -- you've earned it!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

After Class Eleven

Blogging is now optional -- that must mean it's the end of the semester. I actually will be missing this class quite a bit. It's been a wonderful semester.

I would just like to post a few reminders for this week.

All the reflections and blogs should be submitted now. And next week is our Literacy Fair. Please bring in two of your best ideas to share with the class. This can be a great lesson plan you've seen, a game, activity, a poster you've made, puppets, a book that was particularly of interest to a class, and so on. We will go round the room and each have about five minutes to describe/discuss what the items are about. This is a great opportunity to add to your teaching bag all the best ideas your classmates have. Also, please bring to class the first article we read, "In Pursuit of an Illusion" by Duffy. Stay cool....

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

After Class Ten

Today we had five wonderful Reading Lesson Presentations. Many thanks to the presenters. For today's blog, please give feedback on the lessons to each group (see prompts below). A reminder for presenters, please e-mail me your Reflection by next Monday, July 20. Also, the blogs/reading logs are due on July 20 -- you should have ten entries. Please e-mail the blogs in one attachment. The end is coming fast -- hang in there!

Group One

Scott, Mikki, Sharon & Lynea - Word families & music

Group Two

Mable, Janaya, Julia & Tessa - extracting information from texts

Group Three

Krista, Darcy & Jacqueline - Shakespearean language

Group Four

Deepa, Reema & Ashlea - Creative writing

Group Five

Tania, Ashok & Brandt - Visualization

Monday, July 6, 2009

After Class Nine

Many thanks to all our presenters -- we were treated to many good lessons. For today's blog, please complete two tasks. First, on this prompt, share the title of your paper and your thesis statement (or a brief description of your paper). Students with similar interests can contact one another. Second, please post some feedback in each of the group presentation prompts below. You can comment on what you liked about the lessons, what you found interesting, ask questions and share what you may have seen in other classrooms related to the activities.Just a reminder: for those who presented today, please send your Lesson plans as soon as possible. Also, your 1-2 page (double-spaced) Reflection is due next Thursday.Finally, this week's topic was "Assessment". Please fill in the handout and we will go over the activities next week.

Group One

Action Phonics - Phonemic Awareness

Leah, Heidi & Jennifer

Group Two

Twisted Nursery Rhymes - Humpty Dumpty

Rose, Lisa & Crystal

Group Three

Readers Theater - Goldilocks & Three Bears

Devon, Lejla & Tracy

Group Four

"Pitch Lake - Trinidad" KWL

Kelly, Alanna, Deanna & Kerri